Source: Mark Kaloki

Gather With

Giraffe Bioenergy

Engaging women in planting and transforming cassava feedstock into ethanol cooking fuel - a green circular economy for African women by African women.


Giraffe Bioenergy



Investment Type

Convertible Note and Grant

Year Invested




Agriculture, Technology

The Challenge

Women across Kenya rely on firewood and charcoal for cooking creating health and environmental problems.​ A green cooking solution is bioethanol but the country imports the majority of ethanol cooking fuel despite having all the resources necessary for robust domestic production from cassava. 

The Innovation

Giraffe Bioenergy engages women in planting and transforming cassava feedstock into ethanol cooking fuel. The company is leveraging idle and unutilized land in Kilifi County in Kenya  (estimated to be 310K ha) to plant cassava creating green  economic opportunities that alleviate poverty.

Headshot of Dr. Linda Davis

Dr. Linda Davis
Founder and CEO, Giraffe Bioenergy

Gather's support has allowed us to 1) develop an in depth strategy to support women smallholder farmers 2) leverage the CIO's support in vetting for a senior agricultural hire 3) commence discussions with potential investors for our next raise”

Source: Mark Kaloki

Investment and
Impact Stats

45 Million Liters

Ethanol cooking fuel production capacity by 2028

Novel disease-tolerant cassava seedlings propagated by the end of 2024


Female community members employed at the Giraffe Bioenergy farm by the end of 2024


Community members with improved food security by 2028


