To grow is in her nature.

To lead is in her nature.

To empower is in her nature.

To refuse to back down is in her nature.

To create new roads is in her nature.

To lead women and girls is in her nature.

To build community is in her nature.

To Gather is in her nature.

Collage-style image of a group of African women farmers smiling and dancing with their arms up in the field.

Impact Snapshot

Distribution by Primary Sector

Pie-chart: Agriculture 50%. Construction 50%. Education 50%

Gender Impact KPIs

Block-chart: Total Number of women, female youth and girls reached directly by March 2024: 997. Total number of women, female youth and girls reached directly by Deceber 2025: 9,320. Weighted average % increase in income: >100%

Distribution by Investment Instrument

Bar-chart: Convertible Note: USD 1,300,000. Grant: USD 1,180,852

Girls (<18 yrs), Female Youth (18 - 35 yrs) and
Women (>35 yrs) Reached Directly

Pie-chart: Female youth: 47%. Women: 30%. Girls: 23%.
Pie-chart: Availability of Climate Resilience Solution: 100%

Climate Impact KPIs

Block-chart: Percentage of women and girls directly benefiting from the adoption of diversified, climate resilient, livelihood options: 100%

Stories of Impact

Finance Gather Ventures Finance Gather Ventures

Meet Sharai

Sharai Manyehlera lives off of her land by selling the vegetables she grows. She plans on using the Hamba to finance her childrens’ tertiary education. She uses the Hamba for transport and logistics.

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Finance Gather Ventures Finance Gather Ventures

Meet Hayat

"I am a mother of 4. The Kubik team has been more like a family to me. I am now able to earn an income, before I had no income. They also make sure I am safe by giving me free gloves and masks, and understand my needs as a woman by supplying me with my hygiene needs.”

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Finance Gather Ventures Finance Gather Ventures

Meet Fiona

Through the Metis Fellowship Program, I founded and piloted the Second Chance Foundation to empower young mothers with skills and knowledge so that they are able to take care of their children to avoid the cycle of poverty.

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Finance Gather Ventures Finance Gather Ventures

Meet Amina

"Since I joined Giraffe Bioenergy my life has really improved. Before I used to eat once a day but now I eat 3 times a day. I can pay all my children's school fees, they eat, and they have school uniforms. Every day, instead of walking to school they now go to school on a motorbike. I can even save my salary in an account and I have faith that in the future I'll be able to do projects like keeping chickens, ducks, and goats. I hope Giraffe Bioenergy continues to grow and we grow together."

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